Cute Kids Montessori Nursery School is Ofsted registered and all areas of delivery (Standards) must be met. Inspection reports outline the findings of the inspection in regard to Cute Kids Montessori Nursery School’s environment, staff morale, curriculum planning and implementation, evidence of planning at a ‘local’ level e.g. groups, the outcomes for children’s learning and the observations done on them.
To see our Inspection Report please visit
If you have a complaint or any issues involving either your child or the nursery as a whole, please contact your child’s Key Worker.
If you are not completely satisfied, you should contact the Nursery Manger who will investigate your complaint fully.
If you feel things have not been resolved to your satisfaction, please contact the Management in writing by email using the above address At all points throughout this process, parents and carers will be kept informed of the progress of the complaint.
As a registered childcare provider we seek to resolve all issues and complaints fairly.
If you are dissatisfied with the outcome of the complaints or would value an independent advice please
Contact Ofsted – under Eight
Telephone: 0300 123 1231.
Postal Address:
Ofsted Piccadilly Gate
Store Street
M1 2WD